huhh.. this last 4 days.. it was the most exhausting day i've ever had... usually i just need 2 days to finish all of the enrollment.. but this times.. i don't know what is gong on with my campus.. they are making all the things improper and unorganized ... that's really terrible to see how they cooperate with all of the students..well.. we have to wait for a long long queue just to do the registering..then we were transfer to another place called bursary where we have to pay our tuition fee there.. guess what... we have to do another long long queue... huhhh.. i hate the way they work.. it's just so slow and not organized... some people can cut the line and didn't even take number.. Damn it!!! do you know how long i have to wait for all that s**t.. why don't they put all the enrollment things right on one place.. so we didn't even have to do another boring and long long queue.. Not only that.. i have to queue again for visa extension.. oH my... but then again.. tomorrow i'm going to my campus.. AGAIN...huhh.. just to finish all this enroll things.. :(( after that i've been planning to go for window shopping and having sushi with several friends.. hwahh.. finally.. i can go somewhere out of cyberia.. so tiring yet excited.. :) and now i need more sleep.. coz i got my own panda eyes now.. huhuhu.. :((
ohh.btw the image above is my campus..well.. no offense.. that at the first impression when you look at the building it was totally amazed me... i just keep thinking.. "owhh.. it'll will be cool if i can be one of their student.. they might have the great and high technology yet well prepared and organized facilities.." hell no!! it's all just so wrong.. well.. i don't mean to speak with disrespect.. but well ... it't the truth.. they have a very bad team work and not so well facility provided.. hmm.. but there's a little thing that i can be proud of my own campus.. which is they totally rocksss by giving us a great long holiday each semester break..ahahahhaha... XD yeahh.. it's still my campus by the way.. so i do still have some respect on it.. :)
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